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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us at DoutVideo. This Privacy Policy document outlines what data DoutVideo receives and how we store, manage, and protect it.


DoutVideo uses log files, which are files that record information including requested webpage resources, IP addresses, browser types, and timestamps. This information is used by DoutVideo for troubleshooting, service analysis, and site maintenance. This information cannot be directly linked to personally identifiable information. Nor is it linked to video or audio. At most the IP address is used to tally that up to 3 recordings where done, but not which. And expires after one hour.

Log files, and any data therein, are not shared with any third party.

Collected Information

DoutVideo receives and stores information that you enter on the website. This includes requested resources, search queries, and DVR settings. This information is stored to monitor and analyse service activity. This information cannot be linked to personally identifiable information.

All information you enter is voluntary. None of this information is shared with any third party.

DoutVideo will not collect any personal information about you except when you specifically and knowingly provide such information.


DoutVideo stores your preferences in cookies. While these cookies improve your experience by remembering your settings, they‘re completely optional. All of DoutVideo‘s features and services work without cookies.

Cookies may be stored by third parties via third party content embedded in DoutVideo, like multimedia players and analytics. DoutVideo has no control over the cookies stored by third parties.


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, feel free to contact us.

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